Monday, April 11, 2011

Being Invisible

Why is it, when someone comes to you with a question and you give them the answer that they are looking for, they feel the need to go to someone else, get the same damn answer, then decide that "oh ok, I guess it's the right answer after all!" GAHHHHH!!!! Then why ask me the question in the first place??? This seems to be the theme of the week and it's only Monday! So, why did I title this blog being invisible? Just how I feel today.... I was supposed to meet a dear friend yesterday for lunch, since I was on his end of town and called and left a message Friday on my way out of town, called Saturday to let him know what time I was leaving on Sunday and then when I was 18 miles away, giving him plenty of time to meet me. Did he even bother to give a curiosity call? No, did he bother to call me today? No. So I have to admit I was childish and left a rather rude message on his voice mail. Why? Because I could have met some friends who'd invited me to join them, instead, I kept on driving home with my disappointed daughter who not only missed lunch with her favorite uncle, but also got cheated out of shopping because we were supposed to "meet him." Aggravation has now spilled over into Monday, since I was also "promised" a belated birthday lunch and an afternoon adventure. How did I spend it? Cleaning while those that had assured me that we would spend time together went out together and left be behind...with what??? Yet another I.O.U for lunch and my birthday....Mind you my birthday was almost three weeks ago and this lunch and shopping thing, when it's promised, seems to never get filled. I would probably cash in a good 4 or 5 days like this. So being Invisible seems to be the theme this week and like I had metioned earlier, it's only monday. Annoyed, hurt and Invisible. So thank you for skipping our lunch date, for asking for my advice then thinking I was wrong, only to find out I was right, and thank you for forgetting my birthday...yet again.....

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The little things.....

I'm not a materialistic person, never have been probably never will be. I don't follow fashions or fads, hair trends or makeup. I have an addiction to good coffee (actually I will drink any coffee.) I have a deep appreciation for a good book, one that will keep me in suspense or one that will keep me up until two in the morning, because I can't put it down. A good manicure in a crazy color, one that will make you smile anytime that you look at your fingers. As silly as it sounds, people tend to over look those simple things or take them for granted. So stop for a moment, take a breath and brew up a cup of coffee. Make a list of the little things that make you happy and do one each day. Maybe read that book until two in the morning, or have that cookie, or paint your nails green....just do it and enjoy.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A New Project is Taking Shape

Old man winter has not been my friend. Living in the Midwest where snow and ice is an every day part of December can be a royal pain in the bum! Since we have spent many long snowy days indoors, I have turned to other creative outlets and taken on the challenge that a dear friend and author had presented. While reading an article a while back I was challenged to "write" my ideas down and write a book. Ok, now those of you that know me know that I not only work full time but have three kids of my own. But....that dare to take those few characters that had been forming in the back of my mind and put them on paper became tempting. So I started to give form to the voices in my head. (ok, I know what your thinking, but any writer has voices in their head.....and sometimes those voices have good ideas.) So, in blogs to come, I plan on introducing a few of those characters to my readers and hopefully a chapter or stay tuned kiddies.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A new view for the New Year

I have managed to actually miss blogging for the majority of January, rather I have spent it people watching, which is becoming a new favorite past time for me. Now, you'll have to take into consideration that understanding the behavior of the human psyche is part of what I do for a living, without going into detail in what it is that I do. The other reason I enjoy it, well it's often better than cable television! I'm not a sorority girl, not a huge social butterfly, I never have been and let's face it kiddies I never will be. I have a comfortable group of friends that I prefer to socialize with and these are the people that know that even though I love them to death, my children are the most important thing in my life!!!
So, this years ramblings will delve into a whole new and additional blog. For the handful of silent followers that I have here, I will continue life in the real world, But I want to take my people watching to a new level and actually keep a blog on what makes people tick. SO coming soon will be a new addition, the title is still in the works, but the focus will be...well people.
So stay tuned!!!