Thursday, December 16, 2010

Holy Crow, the school actually says Merry Christmas!

"Merry Christmas." That was the greeting that reached me today in the school lot as I dropped of my little man. Now, we've recently moved and my children are new to their respective schools this year. The old district that we were in, happened to be very "politically correct." It was always happy holidays, there were no Christmas parties, but holiday celebrations. Menorahs, Kwanzaa candles, Christmas trees, stockings and observance if Ramadan. Now, kids were discouraged from saying Merry Christmas, even though the schools were on CHRISTMAS vacation. My children were expected to swallow the force fed fact that they were to respect other cultures and religions while their own personal beliefs were to remain squashed and quiet. Now I have heard that it would be unchristian of my and of my offspring of they were not accepting of others. Though I believe that that there is a difference between acceptance and disrespect. If you expect me to respect your beliefs, then don't disrespect mine!!!

Now back to my moment of Holy Crow. We moved to a smaller community, actually we moved to farm ville. Not that this is a bad thing, the people in our new community are very friendly, and very accepting. They say Merry Christmas and my little man is having a Christmas party!!! Not a holiday party, not a multicultural holiday celebration, but an honest to goodness Christmas party. People here don't take offense to you wishing them Merry Christmas. This includes the staff at the schools, the shops, the restaurants. Christianity is still alive and well here on Earth.

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