Friday, January 1, 2010

Why am I still awake.....

Ahhh, the million dollar question of the evening seems to be "why am I still awake?"

Are there any other readers out there that suffer from what I have always referred to as the after effects of the holiday rush, the go, go, go and run, run, run. I have always wondered how many other moms out there suffer from the too much coffee, what can I do, too much to still syndrome. What I mean by this is we seem to dash like mad in an attempt to accomplish all of our holiday tasks. We shop, wrap, clean, cook, bake, drive to concerts, plays and school shop nights. We assist in class parties, bake sales, food drives and when the holidays end, we find ourselves exhausted and in desperate need for a weeks worth of sleep. Yet here I sit, with a case of laryngitis, wide awake and wondering why this is. My friends joke that it may be the several pots of coffee that I manage to consume on a daily basis, (ok, that may have something to do with it.) So my question of the evening (or early morning as it has now become) how many other moms or dads are still awake and are wondering why.

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